Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Improving Life - week 4

Good morning !!!

It's a beautiful day today, although it snowed a few centimeters this morning after it had all recently melted!!

I'm loving this 'Overhaul' I'm on! I love that I made the choice to live a better life, and I'm constantly learning and growing because of it. I really love making conscious choices of ways I can improve my life.

I've successfully been off of dairy milk now for a few months. I drink mostly Almond Milk, although I do really like Rice Milk though.

I'm noticing more and more that 'negative' people seem to be less a part of my life, and I'm surrounding myself with more positive, forward thinkers. The more I change myself, the more my surrounding environment changes, and I'm really grateful for the positive changes :)

I've noticed that these 'negative' people seem to be displaced by new positive attitude, like when pepper in a bowl of water gets displaced by soap. Funny enough, I'm not a fan of pepper either ;) haha

Have an amazing day!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Going Vegan - why do people judge?

I am going through what I think is a fabulous transition to become Vegan. Why? Because I support a better way of life for animals, and humans. There are many reasons why I think this is beneficial for me, and most importantly - I am trying to lead a better life.

So why is it, that people want to judge me so often for trying to be better? Is it because I don't support animal cruelty? because I don't want to eat chemical and hormone filled products? Or perhaps it's because I just want to eat healthier?

I find it really odd that so many people are so judgmental about this. Really, I am just trying to live a better life. I will continue on my mission despite the colorful opinion of others, because being a better person is simply who I want to be :)

I am grateful to have the support of a few close people - friends and family who are there for me on my journey. What a blessing!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Improving Life - week 3

This week has flown by so fast!!! I have been extremely busy at work, so I feel like I have barely had any personal time to focus on myself. I was able to get a few relaxing baths in before going to bed, which helps me sleep better. I also have started reading a new novel, and I reconnected with friends I haven't seen for a month. I'm really enjoying positing positive things and turning my life around.

Not eating meat has been a wonderful change for me. I have done some research on the way animals are treated and their living conditions........I just cannot support buying animal products from the grocery store any more. Working on becoming vegan has become a passion that I happily embrace because I support a better way of living for humans, and animals. I can't support animal abuse in any way, and they way animals are raised (in a lot of mainstream food production farms) sickens me. It's horrifying and inhumane, and I will not support it. Cutting animal products out of my diet is my first step in supporting that animals get treated better. Even animals raised for food deserve to have good living conditions. After all, we are what we eat right? Eating animals that have grown in over-cramped, feces and disease infested conditions, who never get to go outside, is not something I want to nourish my body with. Eating a whole food, natural, vegan diet is much more appealing. Kudos to the farms who actually raise their animals outside, in natural living conditions  - these animals are lucky.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Things I Love

Why am I writing about things I love? Because the things we love feed our souls with happiness and joy. They make our lives a lot better, and give us something to look forward to. A life without joy is not one I want to live. Here are some things that bring me joy:

Dancing & Music - I love dancing and good music. Partner dances such as latin, swing, country and ballroom bring me such joy. I love being able to master steps and follow a lead without knowing what move will come next. I love feeling the music and having it move my body and soul. It transforms me

Animals - I love animals!! These creatures are pure and innocent, and give us a glimpse of a different way of living. I love the unconditional love that my pets give me. They are a constant source of love and comfort and I love giving them a great life. We have a lot to learn from their true nature

Reading - Something I have loved my whole life is reading novels. I love to escape into a good story line, and to be taken away to another world for a few minutes or hours. Reading is a great chance to let everyday stresses go and relax :)

Pinterest - I love pinterest because it's a place i can categorize and store my favorite pages for easy reading

Cotton Candy - I love cotton candy for the taste, texture, and lovely colors. I love the way I can peel it apart while it's fluffy and then it melts in my mouth. Mmmm

Lavender - I love lavender. I love the smell, the beautiful purple colors it blooms in, and the way a bouquet looks in a nice vase. One of my most favorite flowers

Tropical Beaches - I love tropical beaches!!! I love sitting on the sand in the warm sun, listening to the waves caress the shore. I love seeing shells and pebbles on the shore, and watching the fish swim in crystal clear water. What an experience

Flowing water - I love the sound of flowing water, it is very soothing and calming! Water is a source of life, and constantly flowing and accepting change as it comes. It simply forms around everything that comes it's way. We could learn a lot by embracing this kind of lifestyle

Walking in the forest - I love walking in a peaceful and quiet forest. I love to see the wild animals existing in nature, and listening to the rivers and streams flowing. Being in Nature is being close to one of the most pure things that still exists, it's a beautiful experience we are blessed to have

Cooking - I love cooking and creating meals. It's soothing and satisfying to create my own meal from scratch, rather than cook something from a box or can that most likely has a lot of preservatives. I love knowing what goes into my food, and where it comes from. I strive to eat well and am working towards a vegan diet which will benefit not only me, but animals and the earth as well.

Cleaning - I love cleaning my house. Living in a clean, minimalist home is a beautiful thing. I want to live only with what I need, and this will make it much easier to look after my home. Cleaning is soothing, and it's very satisfying to make my home look nicer. I strive to keep it clean all the time. It's better for my health too :)

Being Alive -  I saved the best for last. :) Every day I wake up I am grateful to be alive. What a blessing!

What things bring you joy and happiness? 
I would love to hear about the things you love :)

Raising the Bar and Respecting Yourself

This is a big priority of mine right now. Too often I find myself doing what others want, and putting my own needs and desires second. I often ask myself why. Am I a people pleaser? I certainly try not to disappoint others. Sometimes I go out of my way to do nice things for the people I care about. I often will see friends and make time for them even if I know I have a priority task that needs to be done. I don't like letting people down. This often leaves me feeling as though I've let myself down.

If you don't respect yourself, how do you expect to get respect from others?
Set the bar and your standards high, and put yourself first. I am working on putting my own needs first now. If I have an important priority done, maybe it's best to get it done instead of going out to a movie or dinner. After all, I'm only letting myself down and getting further behind when I put my priorities aside to do other things.

I want to be more successful in my life, and to achieve that I need to have a better balance among things in my life. I work a lot right now, so I don't often have time for social interactions. I don't have a lot of time for my personal tasks either actually. Mostly I work, eat, and sleep. Then back to work again. I respect myself enough to set my bar higher. I'm raising my standards in many ways. Included in this is raising my standards on how other people treating me. I want more from life, and I plan to get the best I can :)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Improving Life - Week 2

What a great week! I love creating positive changes in my life. This week I bought my first vegan cheese. I tried Daiya cheddar and provolone style cheeses. The provolone was really good in a grilled cheese, and wow, does it ever melt a lot! The cheddar was good also, and I like the taste of it just out of the fridge, I haven't tried melting this one yet.

Something I'm putting a lot of thought into is how other people treat me, and what I accept into my life. I, like most people, generally prefer to be respected, and treated well. I like to know that my efforts are appreciated at work, or if I do something nice for friends or family.......hey, even a perfect stranger. Sometimes it feels the best to do something nice for someone you don't know, and they certainly don't expect it. That is truly selfless. I've been paying close attention to how my friends treat me, and I realize that I've been unconsciously accepting being treated certain ways by certain people, and now I'm working on changing that so I can improve my quality of life and friendships. :)

I'm also trying to work on getting to sleep earlier, so I can get a full nights sleep. Often I sleep less than 7 hours and it really affects my productivity during the day. I'm trying to go to sleep early, and read in bed before falling asleep. I want all technology turned off so I have no distractions and nothing to make noise in the middle of the night. I even turn my internet off on my tablet which I use as an alarm clock. This is proving to be quite a nice change :)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Improving Life - Week 1

Week 1 of my life cleanse has gone well. I'm concentrating a lot on how I want life to be and what kind of people I want to surround myself with. Im looking forward to another week of improving how I live. I'm slowly changing the way I eat and emptyig my cupboards of the things I don't want.

I also would like to challenge myself monthly with goals to create new habits. This month is going to be about speaking and sharing. I'd like to be more conscious of the personal things I share with people. I don't believe it's wise to share what's really important to you except with maybe 1 or 2 of your closest companions. Too often we are judged for what we think, say, feel, do etc. I have come to understand that it can do more harm than good to share your deepest thoughts with others. Many people experience similar feelings but the experiences that get us there are usually very different and people generally aren't receptive to other people's experiences.

I'm aware of how negative our language has become, and swearing is now a common part of every day communication.  I'm not particularly ok with this and am going to try to change it on a personal level.

For some side changes, I'm not currently using credit cards because I want to pay off my debt. I also am no longer eating meat unless I know if comes from a reputable amd safe farm where chemicals are not used and they are treated well and living in a natural environment.  Similarly with veggies and fruit I'm going to try organic or chemical free. Id like to be gmo and gluten free while being totally vegan also. This is a work in progress.

Im excited to see how well I can do this month :)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Simplfying Life

What a beautiful day.

Today I have the clarity to write down some goals on what I want my life to look like. I'm very excited to be sharing a new project with my mom. Our goal is to simplify life and live with what we need. No more impulse purchases, buying things that aren't needed etc. I plan to downsize and sell some of the things that aren't serving any purpose in my home, as these things take up space and create clutter. I want to have a simple, easy routine to follow which will make life a lot easier. I don't like coming home to a lot of responsibility, different bank accounts and memberships to websites and stores.....this all creates mind clutter for me, and stresses me out.

I'm very excited to be sharing this project with my mom. It's really great that we can connect and share the experience of improving and simplifying our lives.

On a side note, I have plans to re-do my blog, and simplify that also. I'm excited to get working on these things! After all, most people live a life where they would be happier if many changes were made. So, why not make those changes and live an amazing life? I'm determined and on a mission, life can be amazing all the time!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Stay Connected

Life can get busy and overwhelming sometimes. I have to take time to refocus and prioritize sometimes. Something I'm working on is downsizing the things I don't need. Extra clothes, extra bank accounts, emails and passwords, memberships etc. All of these things create 'mental clutter' and bog us down.

Living a simple life with the basic things I need would be amazing. There would be less to take care of and maintain which would give me more free time to do the things that I want to do. Having more time for hobbies and friends would be amazing wouldn't it?

Don't lose focus on priorities. Work on them until they are done and dedicate time to work on them. Specific time to work on priority tasks each day or each week helps me get them done quicker. It feels great to get things finished and off of my plate. I really enjoy having time to do the things that bring me joy. This is one of my top 'monthly motivation' activities, and I can't wait to make it a habit :)