Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Feeling honored

I feel so blessed to know that I have made a positive impact in the lives of some of my friends. When I post things on facebook, I mostly focus on only posting things that are positive and happy. I try to stay away from anything negative, because it's just not pleasant to read about people complaining all the time.

Recently I received a message from a friend of mine who I haven't spoken to for quite a while. She thanked me for my positive posts and told me it had made a positive impact on her life. I was truly blessed to know I was touching the lives of other people without even knowing it ....i feel so honored to know that people enjoy what I write, even if they don't often say anything. :)

Monday, December 30, 2013

Achieving Greatness

I am working on many goals to make life better. I believe that an amazing life is possible for anyone who wants to achieve it. Some of my positive change are:

Making a Memory box/jar - what a great way to keep a collection of happy memories :)
Changing the way I speak and think to be positive and uplifting - negativity just isn't good for anyone
Setting goals and keeping on top of tasks - very important in order to get things done
Keeping in touch with friends and family - this is a big one, keeping in touch over the phone or in person is so nice :)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Good afternoon and Merry Christmas!!

It is a fine day today and I feel so blessed. The weather is decent finally and the next few days are supposed to be nice too.

I have been working a lot on my personal life lately, and it's really paying off. Finally being open to the changes I needed to make has improved my life in such a way that I never thought I would achieve. Focusing on being happy, really does make all the difference in the world. But, on the flip side of things, each person has to be ready for these changes before they can experience them. Finally I was ready a few months ago, and I am embracing these changes wholeheartedly. While heartache and disappointment is never enjoyable to go through, it has lead me to where I am now.

I was finally sick of being used and let down, so I decided to change my life. I continually have experiences that confirm I am not on the right path for my life and happiness. I met someone new the other day when a friend asked me to sit down with this person and try to improve their outlook on life. Well, I believe I achieved that goal well and have since kept in touch with this person to boost their mood if needed and to see how their changes go. Meeting this person was such an inspiration to me because I spoke from the heart, and I truly wanted to help and share my new positive outlook on life, and it was received well. I find that when things come from the heart, and people can undoubtedly know they are from the heart, then it is always received well. I felt honored to be able to help someone, and to see how happy they were from talking to me, it just made my day to be able to make someone smile. I have been in that down and out kind of mental place, and for me, the most meaningful thing was to know someone who honestly cared and wanted to help me. So, I was thrilled to be able to give this back to someone........kindness paid forward.

I have really been enlightened recently after various situations such as the one above confirming to me that I am on the right path. It really is a blessing to receive these messages. I have met so many people recently who have been so kind to me, and who have brought me into their circle of friends without hesitation, and it all happened after this attitude and mindfulness shift that I have experienced. It has also really opened my eyes to the fact that people tell you what you need to know, you don't have to guess, you just have to really listen. For example: in relationships......I get swept off my feet by men who I think are amazing, and it turns out, they really aren't. I really need to focus on what people are saying more in the future, but for now, it's all about me and improving my life for me, and then I can let myself be open to the possibility of a relationship. I need this time to heal as well, I've been through so much, and when you give your whole heart to someone, it's really awful to not have them treat it well and with respect. So enlightened I am and away I go with my new outlook on life....bound and determined to have learned from my past mistakes, and never to make them again. :-)

Have an amazing day and Happy Holidays!!!!!!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Journey of a Lifetime

Today is the Winter Solstice, and it brings with it some powerful energy and vibrations.

I feel some amazing changes happening in my life and it is the most incredible personal journey I have ever experienced. I have been very stubborn my whole life. This has partly benefited me but has also held me back. It has gotten me through some very tough situations but has also prevented me from being open to the changes in life that I should have made a long time ago. I wish I had made them sooner, but it took some very hard lessons for me to finally let go and be willing to change.

It really is a Journey of a Lifetime. I am so very grateful to be meeting some amazing people that I can share my journey with, and who inspire me to live my life to the fullest and follow my passion. I wouldn't change this at all and I wish that I could inspire others to be open to the same thing, as it is the most powerful life transformation I have ever experienced. It really is amazing.

Today feels epic. I am taking control of my life and putting my happiness first. I have put my trust in the universe now because for the last few months, it has given me exactly what I asked for and needed. I have wanted to be where I am now for my whole life, and finally I am here. I feel completely blessed and grateful.

When the same old routine is not working for you in life, it's time to give change a chance, and open yourself up to new opportunities. I am so very grateful to the person who is the catalyst for this change. He has changed my life, brought my passion before my eyes so I could live it again, and been an absolute inspiration. I'll always be grateful.
I finally feel like I am on the right path. This journey is worth it every step of the way  : -)

I hope you can be inspired to live the amazing life you were meant to live, have an amazing day  : -D

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Today I am Happy ^_^

Today I am happy because I have been following my passion again. 14 years ago I started partner dancing. This is my passion in life. Back when I started I knew this was going to be my life. It will be in my life and will probably dominate my happiness forever. I willingly accept this with wholehearted pleasure and submission.  I went through a bad break-up back then and stopped dancing........then I had a serious accident which has affected the past 5-7 years of my life and just couldn't find my passion again. I didn't really try to be honest.

2 months ago I started dancing again after someone sparked the interest in me. It was like the candle inside me went from a little flicker to a full on bonfire. Dancing again has ignited such happiness in me that I wonder why I ever stopped.......and I wished I hadn't. There was about a decade where I didn't really dance..........I wish I could change time but I can't, so going forward, I am going to hold onto my passion tightly and let it lead me for the rest of my life.

The inspiration in this post is to find what makes you happy. Find what makes you most passionate in life and hold on to it. Let it bring you joy and peace, and let it make every day of your life complete BLISS......because it can. Last night I went dancing and had an amazing time........one of those unforgettably great nights. It was simply perfect. I danced with some amazing dancers and friends and loved every minute of it. I am on cloud 9 because I followed my passion and it filled my soul with the brightest light possible. Incredible.

Some people may like outdoor activities, or gardening, crochet or crafty projects, dancing, horseback riding, swimming etc...........whatever it may be, let it lead you into the happiest life possible, it is worth every step.

Have an amazing day!!!!!!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Life is Beautiful - What are you Grateful for?

There are so many beautiful things in life that we overlook on a daily basis.

This morning I went to work later than usual because I had an appointment to go to. This meant that I was driving to work while it was light out instead of the dark. In the daylight I was able to see the Hoar Frost on the trees ..... It's one of the most beautiful things to see in Winter. I was very grateful to be able to enjoy this today. It made the drive to work very enjoyable because I was able to enjoy and soak up the natural beauty that is all around us.

I went to Hot Yoga last night, which relaxed me into a state that I haven't felt for a long time. I was very grateful for this as well. It was 1.25 hours of Foundation Hot Yoga, and I was able to release muscle tension, and mental tension. I left the Yoga Studio feeling as if I was in a pure state of Bliss. It was Heavenly and I can't wait to go back tonight.

I had an active release appointment this morning before work which helped me release some very tight muscles. There is still a lot of work to be done there but it was a help. I love seeing the people that work there because they are soooo friendly and enjoyable to be around. I always look forward to it. I also love the pain I feel during my treatment because it helps me so much to feel better. It's a good kind of pain :)

When I got to work I got handed a chunk of cash because my boss had realized that she forgot to give me my raise, so I got back pay in cash. This is great, because now I can put it in the bank for my new car loan that's coming out in a week.

All in all it has been a great day so far. When you open your eyes and mind to see all of the beautiful things that are out there, your life will improve. There are miracles all around us, we just have to be willing to see them.

What are you Grateful for today?

Have a Beautiful day :)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Living Peacefully

Living Peacefully can mean so many different things to different people.

For me it means acknowledging what doesn't feel right in life. I have a bad habit of hanging onto to stressful situations which then manifests into shoulder and back pain for me. This causes me to need to go to the chiropractor and massage therapist to get treatment to fix the pain which of course costs a lot of money which i don't have.

Stress has a nasty way of becoming physical pain, so for me, I need to sort out where this pain comes from. Then, I want to find a way to release the stress. Perhaps it means writing down what bothers me and releasing it by burning it, saying out loud that i release it, or maybe just thinking it in my mind. Whatever it may be, finding a way to let the stress go so I can have inner peace is crucial.

Not having physical pain come from stress really would be a huge weight off my shoulders.

Does anyone else experience this? How do you get rid of stress and deal with physical pain?